Below is a compilation of Facebook ads from Rya...View Swipe
“Hidden Process” Facebook Ads from Ryan Deiss
Marketing, Online Business
Multi-million dollar newsletter publisher, Agor...View Swipe
“Apollo Energy” Opportunity Sales Letter from Agora Financial
These heavily shared Facebook ads, which lead t...View Swipe
“Can You Spot This” Ad Compilation
Social Media
This is a compilation of content-recommendation...View Swipe
“Content Recommendation” Ad Tactics (Image-Based)
Don't say I didn't warn you...some of these ads...View Swipe
“Eat This, Never Diet Again” Wierd Image Banner Ads
Weight Loss
This sales letter from multi-million dollar new...View Swipe
Fourth Revolution Sales Letter from Agora Financial
The Foundation is a six month online program fo...View Swipe
Landing Page & Opt-In Hook from The Foundation
SAAS (Software as a Service), Entrepreneurship
The copy in this sales letter ran in the form o...View Swipe
20 Years Without Water Sales Letter from Agora Publishing
Health & Wellness
This sales letter is a great example of a templ...View Swipe
Shower Dangers Sales Letter from Agora
Below is a compilation of list-based pop-up off...View Swipe
List-Based Opt-in Popup from Backstage
Performing Arts, Entertainment
List-Based Opt-in Popup from PureWow
This sales letter from widely regarded newslett...View Swipe
Dangerous Lies Sales Letter from Agora Financial
This sales letter comes from Bottom Line Public...View Swipe
Big Black Book Sales Letter from Boardroom
This email & webinar sign-up from Andy Jenk...View Swipe
“Death of” Campaign from Webinar Jam has been one of the most visited &a...View Swipe
“Danger” Themed Opt-In Forms from
You know a particular person means a lot to an ...View Swipe
Warren Buffett Ad Campaign from Motley Fool
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