In 2012, Barack Obama's Digital Team set a new ...View Swipe
Donation Page Strategy from 2012 & 2016 Presidential Candidates
Fundraising, Politics
More than any other presidential candidate, Hil...View Swipe
Use of Incentives from Hillary Clinton
There are huge benefits to selling merchandise ...View Swipe
How Presidential Candidates Maximize eCommerce Sales
Politics, eCommerce
These ads, from Barack Obama's 2012 presidentia...View Swipe
Use of Urgency from 2012 Obama Campaign
More than ever, presidential candidates are usi...View Swipe
Unsubscribe Page Compilation from 2016 Presidential Candidates
When you're running for president, you're going...View Swipe
404 Page Compilation from 2016 Presidential Candidates
This is a clever, catchy email that focuses on ...View Swipe
Action-Driven Email from Hillary Clinton
In 2008, when Barack Obama first ran for presid...View Swipe
Tested Button Copy from 2008 Obama Campaign
If you're running for president and all you tal...View Swipe
Rapport Building & Use of Entertainment from 2012 Obama Campaign
If you haven't been paying attention to the U.S...View Swipe
Framing In Emails from Hillary Clinton
This ad uses the classic rags to riches story a...View Swipe
21 Year Tested Formula Ad from Ben Suarez
Business Opportunity
These ads from legendary advertiser, Green Tree...View Swipe
Secret of An Ohio Housewife Ads from Green Tree Press
This lead generation ad from Gary Halbert has a...View Swipe
57 Year-Old Swimsuit Model Ad by Gary Halbert
Weight Loss
This ad from fitness guru and well-respected in...View Swipe
76 Year-Old Man Ad by Matt Furey
Health & Wellness
You may have seen Jeffry Life before. Many of t...View Swipe
69+ Year Old Man Campaign from Cenegenics
Below are landing pages for products that Ryan ...View Swipe
Product Partnership Strategy from Ryan Deiss
Marketing, Online Business
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