Below are three recent checkout forms from top PPC marketer, Perry Marshall. Although the checkout pages contain a good structure...View More
& sequence you can model, what's most interesting is how Perry uses his Mastermind 12 offer to influence the purchase of his other products at checkout. The first two checkout pages below are for his latest two products and both offer an option to add his $999/year mastermind group to cart which actually ends up being free & in one example below, even makes the overall price lower. For instance, in the first example, his Right Side Wipeout Guide (priced at $1,497) was added to cart. From there, if you add the $999/year mastermind option, you get the $1,497 guide for free, which means you get both the product & the mastermind for $999, saving $498 vs. if you just bought the main product. For most consumers, this wouldn't make any sense, but from a marketing perspective, an ongoing subscription means more customer communication & trust-building, which ideally leads to more future purchases.