This is a great example of selling a subscription with a bonus. The headline, lead, and first half of the ad are completely focused on selling the bonus item....View More
By using this approach, Ginzburg is able to get more specific with his hook and messaging versus generically selling the magazine. It also allows him to more easily test out different bonuses in his campaigns. He creates a lot of intrigue around the Social Security opportunity that he's pitching, teasing and hinting of different ways people could cash in that they likely never even knew about. After focusing on the bonus, he gets into the pitch for the actual subscription, citing the bonus so the subscription looks much more attractive than it would on its own. Ginzberg's main strategy for selling the subscription is to smartly include dozens of alluring article titles from previous editions of the magazine. He finishes the ad with a bold guarantee that if you don't increase your income by 15% using the bonus guide and magazine, A full refund will be issued.