“Pop Quiz” Youtube Ad (for $39 Program) from Credit Secrets

Youtube AdCredit
Sep 2023

Video Script Summary

The ad script aims to debunk common misconceptions about raising credit scores by proposing a challenge through a pop quiz. The content underscores that popular beliefs may be incorrect and could result in financial loss. To provide a solution, the script introduces an expert from the credit industry who reveals a hidden credit loophole. This expert’s findings are shared in a tell-all video. To establish credibility and efficacy, the script showcases a series of testimonials from viewers who achieved impressive credit score improvements using the insights from the video. Finally, the audience is encouraged to engage with the controversial video by clicking on a link, promising them the potential benefits of the revealed credit loophole.

Video Script Copy Structure

Debunk Common Misconceptions

  • Propose a Challenge to Audience Knowledge: Use a quiz to test assumptions and engage.
    • e.g. "Pop quiz, what's the fastest way to raise your credit score?"
  • Reveal Counterintuitive Information: Indicate that widely believed ideas might be incorrect.
    • e.g. "Because if you're one of the 153 million Americans with a credit score below 720, chances are everything you thought you knew about raising your scores is not only dead wrong..."
  • Highlight Financial Implications: Show that misconceptions can be costly.
    • e.g. "...it's actually costing you thousands of dollars every year."

Introduce the Insider Expertise

  • Explain the Problem's Ubiquity: Highlight the widespread nature of the credit score problem.
    • e.g. "The problem is, if you're like most people, you know your scores are lower than they should be, but you don't know how to fix it."
  • Introduce the Insider: Present someone with unique, insider knowledge to add credibility.
    • e.g. "Well, after seeing so many people suffering from this problem, one expert who worked inside the credit industry decided enough was enough."
  • Promote the Expert's Revelatory Insights: Emphasize the groundbreaking nature of the disclosed information.
    • e.g. "They released a tell-all video revealing a little-known credit loophole..."

Showcase Social Proof & Results

  • Report Video's Virality: Mention the video's popularity to enhance trustworthiness.
    • e.g. "As of today, the video has already been viewed by more than two and a half million people."
  • Provide Direct Testimonials: Display success stories from those who applied the insights.
    • e.g. "My score was 5.95, and my scores now across the board are over 700." "My wife's scores jumped 124 points. I'm now well into the 800s."
  • Emphasize Speed & Magnitude of Results: Showcase both swift improvements and substantial gains in credit scores.
    • e.g. "...coming from it being in the low 500s just 90 days ago." "I've been able to remove all 12 negative accounts on my credit report..."

Encourage Engagement with The Solution

  • Describe the Solution as Controversial: Label the video as potentially polarizing to stoke curiosity.
    • e.g. "Now, when you watch this controversial video..."
  • Highlight the Direct Benefit: Reiterate the immediate advantages of applying the insider knowledge.
    • e.g. "...you're going to see how you can use this hidden credit loophole to raise your scores too."
  • Prompt Action: Guide the reader to take the next step to benefit from the solution.
    • e.g. "Click the link on this page right now to see how."

Frame Breakdown (Captured Every Few Seconds)

The 3+ minute ad uses a combination of stock footage with text overlay and short customer testimonial videos. They have a lengthy 1+ minute countdown at the end of their ad.

Full Transcript With Commentary

[Propose a Challenge to Audience Knowledge] Pop quiz, what’s the fastest way to raise your credit score? Is it: a) Pay your bills on time. b) Hire a credit repair agency. c) Remove inquiries. d) None of the above. The answer may surprise you. [Reveal Counterintuitive Information] Because if you’re one of the 153 million Americans with a credit score below 720, chances are everything you thought you knew about raising your scores is not only dead wrong, but… [Highlight...
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