Long-Running VSL ($47 Male Attraction Program) from Be Irresistible

Sep 2023

Video Script Summary

The VSL promises to reveal a secret obsession men have that is more powerful than even love, money or sex. This “Hero Instinct” is a biological drive in men to feel needed and irreplaceable.

The VSL shares a story about a relationship coach named James Bauer and his client Rachel. Rachel’s boyfriend Mike suddenly pulls away and ends their relationship abruptly. James realizes Mike’s last text contained a hidden plea for help related to his Hero Instinct.

James tells Rachel to send Mike a simple 12-word text that triggers his hero instinct. Mike immediately comes back committed to the relationship.

James realized he had discovered “secret signals” that can powerfully trigger a man’s hero instinct. He compiled these signals into a program called “His Secret Obsession” to help women have lasting, devoted relationships.

The program teaches signals like the Glimpse Phrase, Fascination Signal, Silent Action Signals, I Owe You Signal, Damsel in Distress Signal and more. These tap into male psychology and make men feel drawn to commit.

The VSL offers the program at a discounted price with a money-back guarantee. It concludes by urging readers to purchase and gain the ability to attract men for life.

Video Script Copy Structure

Establish the Power of a Secret

  • Capture Immediate Attention: The copy kicks off by promising to share a potent secret that's currently unknown to the reader.
    • e.g. "And just 90 seconds from now I'm going to let you in on something every man is secretly obsessed with."
  • Hype the Magnitude of the Secret: The narrative conveys that this secret is more compelling for men than widely acknowledged strong drives.
    • e.g. "It's Something He CRAVES... More than love, more than money, even more than sex."
  • Introduce Scarcity: Not many know about this secret, which makes it even more valuable.
    • e.g. "And those that do almost never share it with another soul."

Dive into Professional Experience & Testimonials

  • Share Professional Credibility: The speaker reveals his long-term experience in the niche, which is relationship coaching.
    • e.g. "After 12 years of working with thousands of amazing women as a relationship coach..."
  • Explain The Significance: The narrative zooms in on this secret's importance in relationships.
    • e.g. "Because once you understand it, you'll be able to make the man of your choice feel a burning desire for you..."
  • Share Real-Life Testimonies: The author introduces real-life stories to make the narrative more relatable and to create trust.
    • e.g. "And you'll also hear the real-life stories of women who used this same secret obsession to create the deepest love of their lives..."

Dive Deeper into The Mystery

  • Highlight Its Universal Impact: The secret has an overarching effect on all men and is claimed to influence their daily lives.
    • e.g. "Every man you know agonizes over this primal drive more than anything else... Even his sex drive."
  • Give It A Name: Naming the secret provides clarity and makes it more tangible.
    • e.g. "It's something I've come to call... 'The Hero Instinct'."
  • Describe Its Power: The copy delves into the drive's profound influence on men's choices in relationships.
    • e.g. "And I now believe it's the biggest secret to becoming a man's deepest passion and priority in life."

Share the Urgency & Pitfalls

  • Explain the Repercussions of Ignorance: Ignorance of this secret can lead to failed relationships.
    • e.g. "If the woman he's with doesn't bring out his Hero Instinct, he'll always feel like something important is missing and he'll eventually seek out a woman who knows this secret."
  • Connect the Drive to Basic Needs: The copy links this secret drive to fundamental human necessities to emphasize its power.
    • e.g. "It's because the Hero Instinct is a BIOLOGICAL DRIVE just like hunger, thirst, and sex."

Introduce the Solution

  • Set the Stage with a Real-Life Example: Before revealing the secret in full, the narrative introduces a relatable scenario through a story.
    • e.g. "But first, the best way for you to understand how you can use The Hero Instinct is to see how it worked for a real woman."
  • Elaborate on a Real-life Problem: The story of Rachel and Mike serves as a poignant example of common relationship issues women face.
    • e.g. "I'd like you to meet my friend Rachel... One night, I got a call... She told me about Mike... Mike had broken off the relationship."
  • Provide a Tease of the Solution: The reader is made aware that there's a solution to these problems.
    • e.g. "That's when everything clicked. I suddenly knew exactly what Rachel had to do."

Hint at the Transformative Power

  • Introduce a Method: The narrative hints at a simple method or trick that can be used to activate the "Hero Instinct."
    • e.g. "I told her that since Mike wasn't answering his phone, she needed to trigger his secret obsession... with a signal that would immediately get his attention."
  • Build Anticipation: The copy teases a powerful "Secret Signal" without immediately revealing what it is.
    • e.g. "So I gave Rachel a simple 12-word text... I had just created the very first 'Secret Signal'."

Uncover The Magic Behind Textual Influence

  • Story-Driven Introduction: By beginning with an emotionally gripping narrative, the copywriter draws readers in, establishing an intimate bond through shared experiences and emotions.
    • e.g. "But as she read the words out loud, her eyes lit up... Mike showed up at her apartment door."
  • Articulating the Revelation: The realization in the narrative serves to highlight the transformative power of understanding male psychology, setting the stage for the solution that's about to be introduced.
    • e.g. "'I've realized that I won't be happy without you in my life.'"
  • Unpacking the Hero Instinct: This section delves deeper into the main idea of the Hero Instinct, explaining the primal, biological forces that drive male behavior.
    • e.g. "Because a man's heart will always be elusive until you understand what drives him on a primal, instinctive level."
  • Stress on the Male Need to Feel Needed: By positioning the male need to feel indispensable as both a challenge and an opportunity, the text creates an avenue for the solution.
    • e.g. "Men are secretly OBSESSED with feeling irreplaceable... like they're the only man for the job."
  • The Real Secret to Male Attraction: The emphasis here is on a paradigm shift: women don’t need to meet men's needs but should rather express their own, allowing men to rise to the occasion.
    • e.g. "You become a man's obsession, not by meeting his needs... but by revealing your own."
  • Critical Importance of Earning Love: By emphasizing that men value love they feel they've earned, it gives importance to the signals that help facilitate this feeling.
    • e.g. "It's nearly impossible for a man to feel like he's in love if he doesn't feel like he's earning that love."

Unlocking The Secret Signals

  • Introduction of the Concept: Establishing the concept of “secret signals” as the crux of the solution, the copy reveals its methodology.
    • e.g. "Every time one of these women found the love and romance they were searching for, I could trace it back to a single moment."
  • Efficacy Through Testimonials: Using stories and examples, the potency and applicability of these secret signals are underscored, reinforcing their legitimacy and appeal.
    • e.g. "The more women I showed this to, the more I realized how empowering these signals were, and how many lives they could change."
  • Introduction of The Program: By providing a structured solution, the copy demonstrates a clear path forward for the readers, introducing the "His Secret Obsession" program.
    • e.g. "How to awaken a man's most secret and powerful desire to earn your love, prove his devotion to you, and give you romance that lasts a lifetime."
  • Unique Value Proposition: The copy emphasizes the differentiation and efficacy of this program in contrast to other advice or solutions available.
    • e.g. "This program is dramatically different from anything you may have tried before because it's customizable for your exact situation no matter how unique it is."
  • Teasing The Secrets: By listing some of the secrets like "The Glimpse Phrase," readers are further intrigued about the breadth and depth of these 'signals', setting the stage for deeper commitment.
    • e.g. "The Glimpse Phrase. You'll discover a secret signal I call 'The Glimpse Phrase'..."

Addressing Common Relationship Concerns

  • Highlighting a Common Problem: The copy introduces a prevalent issue many women face in their relationships.
    • e.g. "Do men ever disappear on you when you show them too much interest?"
  • Offering an Immediate Solution: Introduce a solution to the problem, termed as "The Fascination Signal," that draws men in.
    • e.g. "I'll show you 'The Fascination Signal' which you can use to spark such a deep attraction in a man that you'll become an emotional addiction to him."
  • Emphasizing Versatility and Strength: Highlight that the technique can be used in multiple situations and is immensely effective.
    • e.g. "And it can work in person, over the phone, or through text."

Introducing a Suite of Techniques

  • Silent Signals for Attraction: These are techniques that don't need verbal communication but are powerful enough to get a man's attention.
    • e.g. "I'll show you the 'Silent Action Signals' every woman should know that will shift his Hero Instinct into high gear."
  • Manipulating Selective Hearing: Tweak common phrases to engage a man's trust and make him see you as his confidant.
    • e.g. "Did you know you can actually use a man's 'selective hearing' to your advantage?"
  • Tapping into Protective Instincts: Techniques that make a man want to protect and serve you.
    • e.g. "With the 'Damsel In Distress Signal' you'll discover how to tap into a man's natural protective instincts."

Special Techniques for Deeper Connection

  • The Private Island Technique: Highlighting how to stand out as "The One" in his eyes.
    • e.g. "I'll show you 'The Private Island' signal that makes a man see you as 'The One.' It's how some women are able to keep their man hooked long enough to trigger his 'love instinct.'"
  • Understanding His Perspective: Techniques that give insights into his thoughts and feelings.
    • e.g. "The 'X-Ray Question' that you can innocently ask your man to put your worries to rest."
  • Rekindling Past Relationships: Strategies for those who have had recent breakups and want to rekindle the romance.
    • e.g. "If you've recently gone through a breakup or separation with your man, this next one is really important."

The Basis of Strong, Lasting Relationships

  • Building Trust and Bond: Unveiling the key to lasting relationships and commitment.
    • e.g. "The 'Secret Currency' of Happy Relationships. Just knowing this one thing will get you inside his mind like no woman has ever done before."
  • Growing and Strengthening Bonds: Simple strategies that can enhance emotional connections over time.
    • e.g. "Studies show that making these simple 'deposits' cuts the rate of separation in half!"
  • Ensuring His Full Attention: Techniques to guarantee his undivided attention.
    • e.g. "I'll show you the one text message guaranteed to give you his undivided attention."

Self-Reflection and Assurance

  • Questioning the Reader's Intent: Probing if the reader truly believes they deserve happiness and a fulfilling relationship.
    • e.g. "Can this really work for me?” ... "Are you that woman?“
  • Asserting the Reader's Value: Reinforcing the reader's self-worth and emphasizing they should not settle for less.
    • e.g. "But this program is for the kind of woman who knows what she’s worth and will no longer settle for anything less."
  • Building Anticipation: Preparing the reader for the upcoming content while acknowledging their continued engagement.
    • e.g. "You’ve been paying attention, thank you so far, and by now I’m sure you’re realized how powerful this really is."

Establishing Emotional Stakes and Context

  • Highlight the Desire for Certainty in Relationships: The copy taps into the inherent human need for emotional security and assurance in romantic relationships.
    • e.g. "What’s it worth to never again have to lay awake at night worrying because you have the complete certainty that his heart is unconditionally yours?"
  • Illustrate Universal Attractiveness: Describes the compelling allure of becoming irresistibly captivating to the opposite sex.
    • e.g. "What’s it worth to be the most magnetic woman in the room, the woman that men instinctively notice and feel a strong pull towards?"
  • Expressing the Invaluable Nature of the Information: Emphasizes the immeasurable value of the knowledge and results provided.
    • e.g. "Women I’ve worked with tell me that they can’t put a price on what they’ve learned and what it’s done for their relationships."

Introducing the Offer & Establishing Scarcity

  • Reference to Existing Price Points: Highlights the high fees others are willing to pay for similar results, setting a reference point for potential buyers.
    • e.g. "I’ve seen many women pay thousands of dollars to relationship coaches and counselors to get these kinds of results."
  • Exclusive Invitation: Creates an aura of exclusivity by suggesting a limited audience or selective entry to the program.
    • e.g. "If you’re here, it’s because I’ve either personally invited you, or a close friend of mine has and it’s because I want to limit this program to women who are ready to reach for what they deserve."

Building the Offer's Value Proposition

  • Anchor Pricing Strategy: Sets a high price point first, making subsequent price reductions appear as immense deals.
    • e.g. "At first, I felt that in order to be fair to the women who paid up to $1,000 for this same knowledge, I had to at least charge the price of a single coaching session."
  • Deep Discount and Urgency: Offers a significant discount for immediate action, creating an urgency for the reader to act now.
    • e.g. "If you act right now through today’s special video presentation only... You can get instant access to everything for a one-time, single, secure payment of just $47!"

Offering Assurance & Risk Removal

  • Money-Back Guarantee: Provides a safety net for buyers, reducing their perceived risks associated with the purchase.
    • e.g. "And by keeping this program as your personal resource, you’re gonna feel good knowing you have everything you need to change your life forever."
  • Immediate Benefits: Specifies the fast results and ease of use, creating anticipation for the immediate change post-purchase.
    • e.g. "When you do, watch how quickly things click into place."

Painting the Potential Outcome & Emotional Transformation

  • Visualize Positive Changes: Portrays an alluring future where the buyer has transformed into the object of desire and receives exclusive attention from men.
    • e.g. "Notice how men suddenly feel magnetically attracted to you, listen to your every word, and only have eyes for you."
  • Evoking the Feeling of Regret: Encourages immediate action by suggesting the pain of missed opportunities and potential regrets.
    • e.g. "And they let this same blissful happiness slip through their fingers… all because of a price tag."

Concluding with a Final Emotional Appeal

  • Emphasizing the Decision's Weight: By suggesting that the decision to purchase is pivotal, it adds gravitas to the reader's choice, pushing them towards action.
    • e.g. "Right now you have an important decision to make... In fact, it’s possible it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make."
  • Closing with Familiarity: By referencing back to the author, the copy makes the transaction feel more personal and less commercial.
    • e.g. "Again, this is James Bauer. Thanks for watching (or reading) and I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"

Frame Breakdown (Captured Every Few Seconds)

The half hour video begins with 3 and a half minutes of stock footage with subtitles followed by black and white powerpoint style slides.

Full Transcript With Commentary

Hi, My name is James… And just 90 seconds from now I’m going to let you in on something every man is secretly obsessed with. It’s Something He CRAVES… More than love, more than money, even more than sex. And the craziest part is this one secret obsession holds the key to winning a man’s love, attention, and total devotion for LIFE but not one woman in a thousand even knows it exists! And those that do almost never share it...
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