Sign-Up Process from Trunk Club

swiped by Mike Schauer from

Trunk Club, acquired by Nordstrom for $350 million in 2014, offers a unique twist on buying clothes. Instead of picking all your own clothes, you get your own...View More

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Key Takeaways

  • It's very important that Trunk Club gets as much quality information as possible in order to provide a more valuable customer experience & deliver big for their clients. Their questions & preliminary process are crucial to the success of the company & you can bet that they're always looking to improve & refine their process.
  • If you have a multi-step sign-up form, try incorporating representative photos in the options to make it more visually appealing & seem "less like a form". The less it looks like a form, the less friction & resistance there will be to filling it out.
  • It's particularly important for Trunk Club to use photos because their job is to make you "look" good. Their business is very visually-driven & without the photos, there would be a lot more confusion & lack of clarity around each choice.

Analyst Spotlight

Mike Schauer

Mike Schaueris the founder of and the main analyst in the swipes section. After intently studying & building conversion-focused websites for 6+ years, he started Swiped to help others master marketing & copywriting through the analysis of great examples!

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Sign-Up Process from Trunk Club

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