Recently Hubspot redesigned their whole site and it looks fantastic. One of the new strategies they implemented on their blog is a "Stat of The Day" or "Quote...View More
of The Day" that's beautifully designed & put prominently in the sidebar of their blog. Ehat's smart about this strategy is that they are using it as a way to get people to share Hubspot on Twitter, not because they are looking to share the site, but because they like the stat or quote. It is very indirect & opens up another opportunity for Hubspot to get exposure on Twitter. There are plenty of people that frame tweets for their followers to send out, but Hubspot does it in the most stylish & prominent way I've seen. When you visit their blog notice how the stat or quote of the day is a big click-able image. Not only does this make taking action easier on the user's part. It also makes it hard for them to simply copy & paste the quote in Twitter (without a Hubspot link) on their own.