Guinness Guide to Oysters by David Ogilvy

swiped by Mike Schauer ran 1950 9

This is the 1st advertisement Ogilvy wrote as the head of his own agency. Here's an excerpt about this ad from the book, The King of Madison Avenue: "Ogilvy the...View More

Guinness Guide to Oysters by David Ogilvy

Key Takeaways

  • Try associating your brand to other popular complimentary items like Ogilvy did with oysters & Guinness. That way, people make the association & are more likely to pair the two or group the two in their minds.
  • Take your mind off of touting your brand for a second & think about an ad you can create that is useful, interesting & that people would share with others - that's what Ogilvy did here. He even mentions at the very end to contact them if you want a framed version of the ad.
  • Nothing compliments a great photo like a descriptive caption. It gives life & meaning to the visual. Always try to use captions with your photos.
  • The descriptions are absolutely brilliant because they use the power of storytelling & fascination to give each oyster depth & intrigue. There's a history behind each one that makes them seem much more important than originally thought.

Analyst Spotlight

Mike Schauer

Mike Schaueris the founder of and the main analyst in the swipes section. After intently studying & building conversion-focused websites for 6+ years, he started Swiped to help others master marketing & copywriting through the analysis of great examples!

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