This is the ultimate example to model for selling a trip, vacation or getaway. The offer is for 6 people to take a trip to a breathtaking community in Nicaragua...View More
and consider making a investment in the high-potential real estate there. The first third of the letter focuses on painting a detailed picture of what the trip & your potential life would be like there. It's so brilliantly depicted that as you read the letter, you'll start to imagine yourself there & feel the emotions of being there. After going into detail about they experience, they mention the incredible investment opportunity, citing authoritative sources like CNN & U.S. news to give their pitch credibility. After that, they induce fear of America going down the drain & how it's smart to think ahead & not wait for it to get worse. This is followed by a brilliant use of urgency. They state that a game-changer is about to happen in the next few months that will increase property values so it would be smart to get in before that time. The rest of the letter is geared towards getting the reader to take action along with a combination of the strategies discussed above. Also note how they make sure to let you know you won't be pitched hard about the investment which is a big concern for anyone taking a trip like this. Overall, it's a great letter that contains excellent use of imagery, fantasy, urgency & exclusivity.