The copy in this sales letter ran in the form of a direct-mail magalog & was sent out to tens of millions of households. Clearly, it was a successful campaign....View More
The headline is one of my favorites of all-time. It sounds so ridiculous & counter-intuitive that it's hard not to read on. The claims made throughout the letter sound close to unbelievable, which makes you intrigued as to how they will back up their bold claims. However, having big, bold claims doesn't produce a ton of intrigue on its own. What makes the claims ultra powerful is that they are all claims that we'd love to be true. We don't want to have to worry about the sun or our cholesterol and would love to eat fatty foods without remorse. The claims support this type of freedom-filled, uninhibited lifestyle. They back their claims in a variety of ways. They do their best to use believable facts, citing as many reputable sources as possible. They make the doctor behind the claims seem very credible and lastly, they frame medical corporations & big companies as the "bad guys". They're the reason you don't know about all of this "dangerous" information. They're hiding it from you. It helps defeat the objection of "why haven't I heard this before?".