VSL ($49+ Joint Pain Supplement) from UpWellness

VSLSupplementsJoint Pain
Sep 2023

Video Script Summary

The VSL promotes a natural pain relief supplement called  created by Dr. Joshua Levitt. It opens with a controversial claim that a foreign doctor has discovered a “30-second trick” to lubricate stiff joints, comparing it to WD-40. The ad then debunks the idea of using WD-40 for joint pain, instead introducing Dr. Levitt’s natural protocol.

Dr. Levitt explains the “IMF protocol” which addresses inflammation, muscle tension, and fibrosis. The ad provides scientific details on how pain occurs through biochemical reactions, focusing on the role of NF Kappa B proteins. It then reveals that curcumin, found in turmeric, can inhibit NF Kappa B and stop the pain chain. Additional natural pain relievers like boswellia, bromelain, and quercetin are also discussed.

Customer testimonials demonstrate the effectiveness of Golden Revive Plus. The product is positioned as superior to alternatives, with high-quality ingredients. Various discounted packages are offered, but supplies are limited due to threats from the pharmaceutical industry. The ad creates urgency to purchase while available and promises renewed mobility and freedom from pain.

Video Script Copy Structure

Introduction to A Surprising Solution

  • Controversial "Trick" Hook: The copy opens with a foreign doctor making a seemingly outlandish claim about a "30-second trick" for joint pain.
    • e.g. "Foreign doctor of inflammation reveals a 30-second trick to grease your stiff and creaky joints."
  • Metaphorical Comparison: The benefits of this solution are likened to "grease" for joints and "jet fuel" for mobility.
    • e.g. "It's like grease for your joints and jet fuel for your mobility."
  • Additional Teaser: In addition to the "trick", another piece of info is teased to be revealed.
    • e.g. "And discover the one food that can make your toes, fingers, elbows, knees, and hips go from this to this."

Speaker Introduces Himself & Presents Interesting Historical Solution Story

  • Introduce the Speaker: Dr. Joshua Levitt introduces himself and promises a controversial solution.
    • e.g. "Hi, I'm Dr. Joshua Levitt, and inside this controversial pain relief presentation..."
  • Narrate a Historical Account: A story is shared about the origin of WD-40 to enhance intrigue.
    • e.g. "It all started back in 1953 when a fledgling company called Rocket Chemical..."
  • Contrast with Popular Misconceptions: By mentioning a misguided solution (WD-40 for joint pain), a foundation is laid to introduce a more credible one.
    • e.g. "That's because their creation, known as WD-40, has since become the world's best-selling lubricant."

Debunking Myths & Introducing A Genuine Solution

  • Refute Common Myths: Debunk the use of WD-40 for joint pain.
    • e.g. "The result? Dismal, just as you might expect. But the question remains, why would anyone think that WD-40 would actually work on joint pain?"
  • Promote a Natural Solution: Introduce a natural protocol discovered from years of patient work.
    • e.g. "Because while WD-40 won't actually help free up stiff and creaky joints, doctors have recently discovered something that does."
  • Establish Value & Efficacy: Highlight the protocol's benefits and emphasize its reliability.
    • e.g. "In fact, this natural pain relief breakthrough works so well that many health experts are now calling it grease for your joints and even jet fuel for your mobility."

Educate on The Risks of Traditional Approaches

  • Critique Conventional Methods: Highlight the potential dangers of relying on painkillers or surgeries.
    • e.g. "...in the next few minutes, I'll be giving you the entire pain relief protocol and show you how you can start using it today to erase even your worst discomfort.I'll also explain why taking painkillers and blindly following doctor's orders can do more harm than good."
  • Promote Safety and Affordability: Emphasize that the proposed solution is safe, effective, and without hidden costs.
    • e.g. "And now, using this proven protocol, you can experience lasting relief without drugs, without surgery, and without injections."

Current Negative Approach To Transform + Future Pacing

  • Current Negativity In Field
    • e.g. "Why do surgeons continue to perform unnecessary surgery? And here are the answers that they received from surgeons they interviewed. This is crazy, isn't it? Are either of those good reasons to subject yourself to an unnecessary surgery? I certainly don't think so."
  • Detailing Future Results – Future Pacing
    • e.g. "Your joints, muscles, nerves, they will all immediately begin to heal, and you will experience an ease of movement that you have not felt in years." 

Bolster the Speaker's Credentials

  • Further Speaker Introduction: Provide a comprehensive background to cement the speaker's expertise.
    • e.g. "Now speaking of unnecessary surgery, in a recent study published in the journal Patient Safety and Surgery, researchers asked the question: Why do surgeons continue to perform unnecessary surgery?"
  • Reiterate the Focus on the Audience: After discussing credentials, the focus is shifted back to the audience.
    • e.g. "But honestly, all of this talk makes me a little bit uncomfortable because this is not really about me. It's about you and how the approach that I have developed can help you finally get out of pain."
  • Highlight Experience & Peer Recognition: Emphasize clinical experience and trust from other renowned professionals.
    • e.g. "Now there's a reason why Ivy League physicians refer me their complex patients."

Introduction to Pain's True Cause

  • Highlight a Common Discomfort Problem: The copy presents a problem that resonates with many potential consumers — aches, pains, and stiffness.
    • e.g. "those aches and pains and all that stiffness that you may still be dealing with."
  • Introduce an Age-old Solution: Mentioning a new breakthrough while connecting it to ancient wisdom from the Himalayan Sherpas.
    • e.g. "The Himalayan Sherpas that I mentioned a minute ago have known this secret for over 4,000 years."
  • Challenging Mainstream Medical Beliefs: Offering evidence that contradicts conventional medical understanding.
    • e.g. "So, while most mainstream doctors claim that your stiff joints, tender muscles, and irritable nerves are simply due to years of wear and tear that are visible on x-ray, the truth is that when you see those x-rays, likely it has very little to do with the pain that you are experiencing."

Flaws of Current Medical Treatments

  • Expose Inadequacies in Modern Medical Solutions: Comparing the supposed results from certain medical treatments to the actual results, often debunking their effectiveness.
    • e.g. "And in another study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found no difference in the outcomes of patients who received arthroscopic knee surgery versus sham surgery."
  • Highlight Risks of Conventional Medications: Detailing the side effects of widely-used medications.
    • e.g. "And those are likely to give you unpleasant side effects – everything from digestive discomfort and a queasy stomach to ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding."
  • Critique the Superficiality of Current Treatments: Emphasizing that many treatments only address symptoms, not root causes.
    • e.g. "The truth is they can actually make your pain worse – a lot worse."

A New Approach to Pain (The IMF Protocol)

  • Highlight The Discovery's Foundations: Drawing connections between ancient methods and modern understanding.
    • e.g. "You see, there's a lot more to your stiff shoulders, tired back, and trick knees than meets the eye. There's a process underneath all of that discomfort that has been happening long before you ever knew that something was wrong."
  • Introduce the Method: Presenting the "IMF protocol" that addresses inflammation, muscle tension, and fibrosis.
    • e.g. "It's something I call the IMF protocol – how to fix inflammation, muscle tension, and fibrosis."
  • Elaborate on the Science: Breaking down the scientific aspects of how pain occurs.
    • e.g. "But what you need to know first is that when this IMF process is turned off, pain that has been holding you hostage for years is banished from your body, and mobility will be restored."

Expanding On Root Cause: The Biochemistry of Pain

  • Describe the "Pain Chain": Unpacking the biochemical reactions that lead to pain.
    • e.g. "And once you've broken it, everything changes. This remarkable discovery gives you the power to reverse a lifetime of injuries and bad habits by biologically changing the way that your body processes pain."
  • Introduce Key Proteins: Giving readers a more scientific understanding of the pain process.
    • e.g. "So, what starts this newly discovered pain chain that I keep referring to? It's a group of proteins called Rel proteins."
  • Break Down the Biochemical Reactions: Describing the steps and stages that lead from injury to pain.
    • e.g. "And this happens as soon as it detects a possible infection or injury. And once the NF Kappa B protein is triggered, it ignites a rapidly spreading wildfire of immune system activity that we call inflammation."

Using Metaphor: Fire Analogy for Inflammation

  • Analogize Inflammation and Fire: Using a fire metaphor to convey how inflammation can be both beneficial and harmful.
    • e.g. "Now, speaking of fire for just a moment, the Latin word 'inflammo' means to set a blaze, and that's exactly where the process of inflammation got its name."
  • Detail the Dangers of Uncontrolled Inflammation: Providing an account of how inflammation, when unchecked, leads to persistent pain and issues.
    • e.g. "But when the NF Kappa B protein becomes overactive, when inflammation starts to overreact, it can turn against you, and that's when the destruction begins."

Introduce The Ancient Solution

  • Highlight Historical Validity: The copy presents the ancient roots of the solution, building credibility through time-tested use.
    • e.g. "in use for thousands of years in the Himalayas..."
  • Address the Unique Power of the Substance: Emphasizes its unparalleled capability to "break the pain chain."
    • e.g. "something that does what no other known substance on Earth can do, and that is to break the pain chain."

Elaborate on The Problem

  • Present the Nature of Pain: Introduces the reader to the painful experiences they might be familiar with.
    • e.g. "Remember, inflammation is the start of your body's healing response..."
  • Zoom into Muscle Tension (M Component): Explains the role of muscle tension in the pain process.
    • e.g. "Well, the M of the IMF protocol refers to muscle tension..."
  • Detail Fibrosis (F Component): Discusses how scar tissue further contributes to pain.
    • e.g. "And that brings me to the F component of the IMF protocol: fibrosis."

Propose the Natural Solution

  • Reveal the Natural Inflammation Fighter: Introduces curcumin, a compound derived from turmeric.
    • e.g. "What is this natural substance? It's curcumin, the most bioactive compound found in turmeric."
  • Assert the Scientific Validation: Establishes the effectiveness of curcumin by referencing various studies.
    • e.g. "Researchers at Emory University found curcumin to be a potent inhibitor of NF Kappa B..."

Challenge Big Pharma & Conventional Medicine

  • Present Curcumin's Potential in Modern Medicine: Establishes curcumin's effectiveness compared to pharmaceuticals.
    • e.g. "In fact, if big Pharma came up with a drug that could do all of this, it would be considered one of the biggest breakthroughs of the century."
  • Highlight the Pharmaceutical Industry's Suppression: Suggests that the effectiveness of curcumin is not widely known due to Big Pharma's influence.
    • e.g. "But because curcumin is 100 percent natural, no company can put a patent on it and market it like a drug."

Solution/Mechanism Explanation: Detail Curcumin's Pain Management Abilities

  • Outline Curcumin's Pain Receptor Targets: Discusses the mechanism by which curcumin provides pain relief.
    • e.g. "It works on the same pain receptors that are targeted by opioid medications."
  • Reiterate the Natural Benefits: Reminds the reader of curcumin's safety compared to pharmaceutical solutions.
    • e.g. "...and it does that without a single solitary side effect or risk of addiction."

Solution/Mechanism Explanation: Assert the Effectiveness of Curcumin

  • Cite a Range of Studies: Offers a series of studies that validate curcumin's efficacy in pain relief.
    • e.g. "Now here is just a sample of the hundreds of human and animal studies that are published in some of the most prestigious medical journals in the world."
  • Draw the NF Kappa B Connection: Emphasizes the core mechanism of action for curcumin in inhibiting pain.
    • e.g. "Curcumin is among the oldest known NF Kappa B inhibiting compounds there is..."

Solution/Mechanism Explanation: Lament the Overshadowing of Curcumin's Power

  • Criticize the Medical Establishment: Expresses disappointment in the lack of recognition given to curcumin.
    • e.g. "There is no man-made solution that's ever been able to do this. And despite billions of dollars spent conducting medical research on musculoskeletal pain, the studies on curcumin remain largely buried in the medical literature."

Solution/Mechanism Explanation: Pain Relieving Substances and Techniques

  • Highlight the Problem of Inflammation: The copy emphasizes the issue of inflammation and how it leads to joint pain, muscle tension, and other bodily discomforts.
    • e.g. "These are the same chemicals that speed up joint deterioration, they cause muscles to knot up, irritate your nerves, and make your pain and immobility even worse."
  • Introduce Ancient Medicinal Practices: Ayurvedic medicine, ancient Indian practice, is brought up to provide a natural solution to the problem.
    • e.g. "In Ayurvedic medicine, the treatment of choice for joint, muscle, and nerve pain, as well as stiffness and lack of mobility, has always been an herbal medicine called Indian frankincense."
  • Present Various Natural Compounds as Solutions: Multiple natural substances are introduced as powerful pain relievers and anti-inflammatory agents.
    • e.g. "Boswellia contains an ingredient called boswellic acid, and research has confirmed that much like curcumin, boswellic acid is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory."
  • Show Clinical Trials and Research Backing: The copy uses scientific studies and clinical trials to substantiate the effectiveness of the mentioned substances.
    • e.g. "In a double-blind clinical trial of 175 people, 97 percent reported relief of those joint symptoms, and not one complained of undesirable side effects."
  • Discuss Multiple Ingredients and Their Unique Effects: Each natural ingredient is individually discussed with its specific impact on the body, explaining how they contribute to overall wellbeing.
    • e.g. "Quercetin is one of the most super concentrated antioxidants on the planet... Bromelain is a powerful anti-fibrotic enzyme that's found in the juice and in the stem of the pineapple plant."
  • Address Common Nutrient Deficiency: Mentioning common deficiencies like magnesium, the copy suggests solutions for broader health issues related to pain.
    • e.g. "Because according to recent studies, 75 percent of Americans are not meeting their recommended daily intake of magnesium... You see, magnesium plays a critical role in muscle contraction."
  • Unveil a Holistic Pain Relief Formula: The entire collection of substances is revealed as a part of a new, comprehensive pain relief formula designed to tackle various aspects of pain.
    • e.g. "Boswellia has a proven track record of reducing swelling, restoring and improving blood supply to inflamed joints... It's a perfect addition to my new pain relief formula."
  • Introduce a Technology for Enhanced Absorption: Lastly, a technological solution is briefly mentioned that improves the efficacy of the other ingredients, hinting at a holistic and scientifically advanced approach.
    • e.g. "And while it doesn't directly relieve inflammation, reduce muscle tension, or dissolve fibrosis, it makes every single one of the other ingredients used in the formula work better. How? By increasing your body's ability to absorb them all."

Highlight Authentic Customer Testimonials

  • Demonstrate Diverse Customer Experiences: The copy incorporates a variety of testimonials to demonstrate the wide-reaching effects of the product.
    • e.g. "I started taking it for my hips... my chronic digestive problems got better too."
  • Express Gratitude Towards Expert Advice: Testimonials showcase customers' trust in the expert, Dr. Levitt.
    • e.g. "And that's why I'm grateful to Dr. Levitt for suggesting this supplement..."
  • Emphasize Multiple Benefits from a Single Solution: Users value the comprehensive approach of the supplement.
    • e.g. "I used to take three different supplements to get the same benefits I now get from just one."
  • Relatability through Age-Related Concerns: One testimonial relates to the older demographic, discussing age-related physical decline.
    • e.g. "Now that I'm in my 60s, I'm really starting to feel the effects of all the sports that I played when I was younger."

Selling the Promise of a Rejuvenated Life

  • Promise of Renewed Activity and Liberation from Pain: The copy promises an escape from physical limitations and pain.
    • e.g. "Golden Revive Plus can give you your life back and a second chance to enjoy all of the things that you're currently missing out on."
  • Urgency to Act: Encourages readers to not delay their chance at a pain-free life.
    • e.g. "you owe it to yourself to not let another day pass by until you give Golden Revive Plus a chance to work for you."

Establish Value Through Product Quality & Unique Selling Proposition

  • Emphasize Product Uniqueness: The copy discusses how Golden Revive Plus is unique compared to other products in the market.
    • e.g. "You've got to remember that there's nothing else really like Golden Revive Plus on the market today."
  • Highlight Superior Ingredients: It underscores the top-notch quality and rarity of the ingredients.
    • e.g. "You'll be hard-pressed to find a product that contains BCM-95 curcumin, high-grade boswellia..."
  • Warn Against Inferior Products: The copy warns readers about subpar products that might not offer the same benefits.
    • e.g. "Some of these are grown in industrial farms loaded with pesticides and other toxins."

Break Down Cost & Offer Value Proposition

  • Present Cost Comparisons: Showcasing the financial benefits of choosing Golden Revive Plus over multiple inferior products.
    • e.g. "You could spend four hundred dollars to buy 10 bottles of some generic mass-produced turmeric...and still not get even 10 percent of the benefits..."
  • Showcase Health Cost Savings: The supplement's potential to reduce overall health costs by addressing the root cause is highlighted.
    • e.g. "Inflammation is the single culprit that is ruining the health of hundreds of millions of Americans."

Provide Discounted Offers & Limited-Time Promotions

  • Highlight Original vs. Discounted Pricing: The copy presents a slashed price to make the offer more attractive.
    • e.g. "I really do think that $97 per bottle is a fair price for Golden Revive Plus... but for $57 per bottle."
  • Offer Multi-Bottle Discounts: Additional discounts are provided for bulk purchases.
    • e.g. "you can get six bottles of Golden Revive Plus for just $33 per bottle."
  • Mention Stock Limitations: To build urgency, the copy mentions potential stock shortages.
    • e.g. "When we run out of bottles of golden revive plus, it can take up to three months before another shipment is available."

Emphasize The Threat from Larger Industries

  • Highlight Threat from Big Pharma: The copy presents an external threat, positioning the product as being under attack from powerful industries.
    • e.g. "we are also under constant fire from the pharmaceutical and medical industry."

Present Multiple Purchase Options & Benefits

  • Showcase Various Package Deals: The copy offers a variety of purchasing options tailored to the customers' needs.
    • e.g. "Three bottles will do the same thing... It's like a whole body Revival in a golden yellow capsule, hence the name golden revive plus."
  • Stress on Immediate Benefits: The copy assures buyers of immediate results and long-term benefits.
    • e.g. "A single bottle of golden revive plus will start killing NF Kappa B mediated inflammation immediately, allowing you to finally experience real relief."

Reiterate the Urgency & End with Options

  • Urgency to Act Now: The potential scarcity of the product is reiterated.
    • e.g. "And I simply cannot guarantee how long this offer will remain online."
  • VIP Auto Delivery Offer: The copy provides a subscription service, ensuring customers never run out of the product and receive additional discounts.
    • e.g. "And if you do decide to become a VIP member and take part in the auto-delivery program, you will be locked into the current price of $57 per bottle."

Frame Breakdown (Captured Every Few Seconds)

The hour long VSL contains a combination of stock footage and the expert talking directly to the camera in a professional setting.

Full Transcript With Commentary

Foreign doctor of inflammation reveals a 30-second trick to grease your stiff and creaky joints. It’s like grease for your joints and jet fuel for your mobility. And discover the one food that can make your toes, fingers, elbows, knees, and hips go from this to this. Hi, I’m Dr. Joshua Levitt, and inside this controversial pain relief presentation, I am going to show you what doctors from Providence Hospital in Rhode Island discovered when they studied an odd and unorthodox joint...
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