The VSL promises to reveal a secret obsession men have that is more powerful than even love, money or sex. This “Hero Instinct” is a biological drive in men to feel needed and irreplaceable.
The VSL shares a story about a relationship coach named James Bauer and his client Rachel. Rachel’s boyfriend Mike suddenly pulls away and ends their relationship abruptly. James realizes Mike’s last text contained a hidden plea for help related to his Hero Instinct.
James tells Rachel to send Mike a simple 12-word text that triggers his hero instinct. Mike immediately comes back committed to the relationship.
James realized he had discovered “secret signals” that can powerfully trigger a man’s hero instinct. He compiled these signals into a program called “His Secret Obsession” to help women have lasting, devoted relationships.
The program teaches signals like the Glimpse Phrase, Fascination Signal, Silent Action Signals, I Owe You Signal, Damsel in Distress Signal and more. These tap into male psychology and make men feel drawn to commit.
The VSL offers the program at a discounted price with a money-back guarantee. It concludes by urging readers to purchase and gain the ability to attract men for life.
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