“Impending Threat” Youtube Ad (for Free Guide) from American Hartford Gold

Youtube AdFinancial
Sep 2023

Video Script Summary

The ad script seeks to urgently capture the attention of individuals with IRA or 401(k) retirement accounts, warning them of an impending financial threat based on the current president’s policies and intentions.

By referencing a Forbes-commissioned study, the ad asserts that the president’s actions will negatively impact those with more than $20,000 in their retirement accounts by ending tax benefits. The president is also accused of having an agenda of raising $3.3 trillion in new taxes by targeting retirement accounts, along with a history of taxing Social Security.

Amidst grim economic predictions and references to past financial crises, the ad offers a solution: a free 25-page guide detailing a legal tax loophole to protect retirement savings. The script emphasizes the urgency to act now and leverage the guide’s information to safeguard one’s financial future from taxes, inflation, and economic volatility.

Video Script Copy Structure

Highlight A Frightening Reality

  • Capture Attention with Scarcity: Present the urgency of the message by noting its limited audience.
    • e.g. "Hey! 99% of people with an IRA or 401(k) will not see this video, and that would be a tragedy."
  • Challenge Trust in Authority: Cast doubt on current leadership using external validation.
    • e.g. "Forbes recently commissioned an independent study and quickly saw through the president's lies."
  • Emphasize Threat: Highlight potential threats to retirement savings.
    • e.g. "He's not fighting for American workers or those on a fixed income. In fact, he wants to pull the rug out from under you and end tax benefits for folks with more than $20,000 in their IRA and 401(k) accounts."

Elaborate on Potential Dangers

  • Highlight TheĀ Evil Agenda: Use strong language to present the leadership's alleged intentions.
    • e.g. "You see, this president wants to raise $3.3 trillion in new taxes, and he's gunning for your retirement accounts to help him do just that."
  • Reference Historical Proof Of Agenda: Offer past decisions as proof of an ongoing trend.
    • e.g. "After all, Social Security wasn't taxable until he voted for a 50% tax, and his vote was instrumental in ramrodding retirees with an even higher 85% tax."
  • More Proof Of Agenda: Appeal to fear of loss using charged terms.
    • e.g. "Plus, he's recently committed himself to radical wealth redistribution."

Present Economic Forecasts

  • Draw Parallels to Past Crises: Relate the current situation to prior financial downturns.
    • e.g. "So, if your IRA, 401(k), or pension savings took a hit during the 2008-2010 crisis, then you better cinch your belt real tight."
  • Predict Downfall: Utilize vivid language to present a bleak financial outlook.
    • e.g. "Because experts predict a financial haircut unlike any other."
  • Express Personal Disdain: Use emotional language to relate to readers' frustrations.
    • e.g. "Frankly, it makes my teeth grind."

Offer a Solution

  • Position as Savior: Present a way out amidst the doom and gloom.
    • e.g. "But here's the good news. You don't have to sit back and let the IRS ravage your hard-won nest egg."
  • Provide Tangible Assistance: Detail the physical solution being offered.
    • e.g. "Just click on the button you see on your screen right now. When you do so, you'll request a free physical copy of your wealth protection guide."
  • Describe the Guide's Value: Emphasize the guide's potential benefits.
    • e.g. "This free 25-page guide reveals a legal IRS-proof loophole that could help you take back control of your retirement and protect your IRA, 401(k), and pension savings."

Encourage Immediate Action

  • Highlight Current Threats: Emphasize the urgency of acting immediately due to upcoming challenges.
    • e.g. "With inflation projected to eat into your retirement assets this year and with taxes about to raid your hard-won nest egg, I urge you to not let your golden years plan get ruined."
  • Reiterate the Offer's Value: Use repetition to drive home the importance of the guide.
    • e.g. "Click the button you see now and grab your free 25-page wealth protection guide."
  • Promote the Solution's Efficiency: Describe the ease of implementation of the proposed solution.
    • e.g. "You'll discover a simple and 100% legal tax loophole that helps protect your retirement against higher taxes, skyrocketing inflation, and an extremely volatile economy. So click the button and protect what's rightfully yours."

Frame Breakdown (Captured Every Few Seconds)

The 3+ minute video is a spokesmen speaking to the camera with different graphics positioned in the top left throughout. The ad ends with a 10 second countdown.

Full Transcript With Commentary

[Capture Attention with 99% Lead] Hey! 99% of people with an IRA or 401(k) will not see this video, and that would be a tragedy. Why is that? [Challenge Trust in Authority] Well, because Forbes recently commissioned an independent study and quickly saw through the president’s lies. [Emphasize Threat] He’s not fighting for American workers or those on a fixed income. In fact, he wants to pull the rug out from under you and end tax benefits for folks with more than $20,000 in their...
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