"Did Life Get In The Way?"
This was one of those ideal swiping instances where the same copy was spotted from two different authority figures. Ryan Deiss does a ton of testing & last...View More
I heard, his new bread & butter is advertising on Facebook. So, the fact that he & Perry used the same hook probably means you should consider it for your own re-targeting campaigns. The hook is "Did life get in the way? You forgot to take advantage of this deal". If you think about it, this ad really represents the essence of what re-targeting is all about. The prospect bounces on your original offer & there's a likely chance that they had something else going on at the time that diverted their attention.. Sure, many just weren't interested, but the uninterested don't matter here because this ad is talking to the ones that were interested, in a very straight-forward, humanistic manner. The second part of the hook is especially interesting in that it uses the word "forgot". It frames the prospect into thinking that they were actually interested, but just forgot about it. They might even be thinking, "how convenient that this was brought to my attention again." To view another example of a conversational re-targeting ad, check out Neil Patel's here: http://swiped.co/file/retargeting-from-quick-sprout/