"To Men Who Want To Quit Work Some Day"
Legendary ad man, John Caples, created the ads below for Phoenix Mutual, a long-time client of his. The first ad was the most successful ad he created for them...View More
& the other two were created afterwards & used similar elements. He tells the story of how the "Quit Work" ad was created in his book "Making Ads Pay". Before he wrote the "Quit Work: ad, an ad with the headline "Retirement Income Plan" had gotten the best results, but was on the decline from running so often.
The idea for his new idea started with the phrase "Quit Work" which he thought was very strong. However, he new it was incomplete. The complete headline came about when he decided to swipe Bruce Barton's successful strategy of calling out "men who" such as in this ad: http://swiped.co/file/know-it-all-ad-bruce-barton/
He then added "some day" so it didn't imply that you must quit right away & added the photo of the fisherman because it symbolized not working.
What might be the most interesting takeaway if how he took copy from his previously successful & put it in the middle, increasing the probability if it performing well.