The copywriter behind this video sales letter, Chris Haddad, is also the narrator and seller of this product, which is for women (primarily in their late 30s)...View More
who want their dream guy to fall obsessively in love with them and stay committed to them forever. He has the highest converting offers in the dating niche & uses VSLs for all of them. He tests them thoroughly and has brought in millions of dollars because of them. If you want to get good at writing VSLs, you should study Chris' work. There are a few things in particular that I would pay attention to in this VSL (& most of Chris' work). One, he is a master of tapping into strong emotions, starting with feelings like frustration & hopelessness to feelings of bliss, excitement & optimism. You can really FEEL his words. Two, he is a fantastic storyteller. Supposedly, Chris has a theater background & wrote for plays so that's in his wheelhouse. Three, you can tell he really, really knows his audience. This is very targeted copy that paints a very specific & detailed picture. Lastly, like all great copy, there is a sequence/formula used. Read my annotations to better understand the specifics.