I was not expecting this after I opted in to Ramit's Earn1K.com squeeze page. Most thank you pages for free opt-ins are pretty boring. Ramit went above &...View More
beyond on this one & there's a lot of psychology going on here that makes this Swipe-Worthy. First, think of all the times you've subscribed to a website or entered your details, only to never confirm your email or confirm it much later on. It happens all the time & clearly, Ramit sought out to combat that with smart marketing strategies. The biggest strategy being urgency. You see that number directly above the message box at the top right? That's a timer. It has no effect on your subscription. It's simply there to get you to move & I guarantee you it works! However, that would be useless unless he got the visitor's attention & what better way than to post a funny photo of himself with big bold letters saying he's sad. The rest of the page, he basically creates the feeling of missing out if they don't subscribe. At the end of the message, he even includes the PS saying that 80% of people confirmed in the first 5 minutes, while the rest never see, not just any, but his best material! Way to light a fire under your visitors' asses Ramit ;-)